We noticed about 3 weeks ago that Lily had a wound on her ankle.  She is a licker and she had been licking it which got it infected.  We took her in and she was on meds for 2 weeks.  It turned out that this was a lump of some sort and we were warned that we should have it removed before it gets too large and becomes a bigger problem so in she went on Monday morning, once the infection had cleared up.   It was day surgery so she was back home with us that evening.  She had a reaction to the anesthesia and had a seizure so they pumped her full of Valium to counter act it.  She was super quiet the first day home but now she is doing great and getting along just fine with 3 legs.  Her bandage comes off in a few days then her stitches come out a few days after that so she will be right back to playing and chasing squirrels.  It is so hard when your pet is injured.  She is the best little patient I’ve ever had but my heart is breaking because she doesn’t understand why we are doing this to her.  She has been getting triple the love she normally gets so she’s pretty happy and aside from the bandage, her foot doesn’t seem to bother her.  See her pretty pink bandage…