This was the result of the photo shoot I posted earlier… Cute!
Archive for
December, 2013
Christmas Kids!
Comments Off on Christmas Kids!Ummmm… Oops!
Comments Off on Ummmm… Oops!It has been so warm, it was 3 ABOVE this morning when we woke up! Last night the back of the house slide in 2 pieces … It was so loud and the entire house shook! This morning early we heard the front go. I warned Barry he should move the BBQ and it’s a good thing he did! This will be solved once the boot room gets built.
The Adventures of Paula Vol. 2
Comments Off on The Adventures of Paula Vol. 2Photo Shoot!
Comments Off on Photo Shoot!Snow Blanket
Comments Off on Snow BlanketThe snow slide off the front of the truck in a blanket and didn’t break apart. Snow is a mysterious thing.
Merry Christmas!
Comments Off on Merry Christmas!Santa made a stop at Hyde Creek! The kids all got a toy and lots of treats including some yummy homemade treats from Gramma and Grandpa! I was spoiled as usual! I love this miniature diorama that Barry made for me (note the stained glass box) of a scene from a Columbo movie! Hahaha, so cute! I also got a great new vacuum! 3 dogs and 2 people dragging in the forest makes for dirty floors! We spent the afternoon playing the game “man bites dog” …. So much fun and really easy to play with no room! (Thanks Uncs!).
We hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday season!
The butternut squash and spinach lasagna rolls were amazing! Yummmmmmm!
The Gallery and the Snow…
Comments Off on The Gallery and the Snow…This photo is going back over a month to our first snow fall of the year. We never noticed before how the snow sticks to it like this but it made us a little concerned about having anything in there that can be damaged by the snow. I haven’t looked inside because the snow is up over the door handle and it would need to be dug out. There might be some drifts in there… luckily there is nothing left inside that can be damaged. Speaking of snow drifts inside… Oh that’s a long story, I will have to blog about it another time, we are on our way to the ski hill for lunch.
New roof… New rules!
Comments Off on New roof… New rules!The roof of the house didn’t used to slide but since we put tin on it, it does slide but because it’s a low slope, it just creeps slowly and we use a shovel to help it break off once it gets dangerous. Before it didn’t mater where the dogs hang out but now we have to keep them away from this area because chunks do fall. We keep on top of it and them and it hasn’t been a problem but we have decided to put stoppers on the roof in the summer so it won’t slide at all. The house was built to hold the snow load. Makes for interesting icicle formations!
No tree this year!
Comments Off on No tree this year!The house has turned into an art studio with art supplies all over the place so I thought the last thing we need in our 400 sq ft house was a tree so this year Santa is watching over the gifts for us. We are planning on cutting all the big trees in front of the house down this spring so we have decided we will find a small tree to plant in the garden out front and it can be our tree, we will put lights on it and we will replace it when getting too big, keep it manageable for the lights. I should probably make a wreath so we can have the pine smell but not this year.
Ready for Christmas!
Comments Off on Ready for Christmas!We had to act quickly and make some holiday clothes for the girls… Lily is sporting a lovely table napkin tied in the latest fashion with jingle bells sewn onto the edges. Mini is wearing her new Princess scarf (TSS shirt that was too tight cut down to a scarf) with the bell she tore off the door ornament to give it that bling that all little divas want in a wardrobe. Shooter as always has his jingle bell necklace that he LOVES! Hahaha, fun with the kids!
The Princess
Comments Off on The PrincessThe second tee shirt I ordered for Mini arrived but it’s a tad too small for her… Too bad, it’s so cute! I have a third coming. They really do help a lot with the snow balls!
Troll Ski Resort signs
Comments Off on Troll Ski Resort signsBlogging Made Easy!
Comments Off on Blogging Made Easy!I now have an app on my ipad that makes blogging a breeze! Only catch is I am using my ipad camera for the most part so the images might not be as clear and vivid as when I use my camera but I should be adding more posts as a result. I am going to start working on the gallery site over the holidays too so I’m really happy I got it worked out. Here is my view today…
Lots of snow! Tomorrow we are having our turkey dinner, early because we got a fresh turkey. I am off work now until Jan 6th so we don’t really mind which day we have turkey. We are having butternut squash and spinach lasagna rolls for dinner Christmas day… I’ll post a photo of them… they sound amazing!
Fireplace Positioning
Comments Off on Fireplace PositioningLily and Shooter LOVE lying as close to the fireplace as they can get… They get so hot! They take turns switching from the bench to the floor… So cute!
Poor Puppies!
Comments Off on Poor Puppies!Today Barry went to town alone and left these 3 behind…They were not impressed! I’m gonna take them for a snow shoe to cheer them up!
Comments Off on SUPERDOG!When the weather is warm Mini collects balls on her belly (go back a few weeks to see the photo) so I ordered a couple of tee shirts for her online ($1. out of china!)… they really help and she looks so CUTE!! Looks like she is wearing a Tutu… cracks me up! She loves it too… she is a diva!
Snow, snow and more snow!
Comments Off on Snow, snow and more snow!It started snowing Tuesday and hasn’t stopped, it is Friday morning. It is hip deep in most places and almost waist deep in some… it is super fluffy so will probably settled pretty fast, it is supposed to get pretty warm tomorrow. We plowed yesterday and it’s already half way up my calf today! The Nutcracker is buried! YAHOO!!! Loving it! This is also perfect snow bath conditions for Shooter! He rubs up against the snow banks and fresh snow falls all over him, he gets completely buried… so cute!