Archive for

December, 2016


Gingerbread fun

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Our first gingerbread house. 

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Cold snap over

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Wow, we were very cold for 2 weeks!  Waking up to between -25 and -30 each morning.  It was getting up to -15 some days in the afternoon but it was cold!  Today we woke up to -15 and celebrated!  Went for a snow show this afternoon when it reached -9.  We both  felt it in our butts… need to get back into shape.  Today we took snipers and cleared all the hanging the branches from our trail so we took longer then normal.  Now it’s cleared and ready to go.  Lightning creek that is at the end of the trail is completly frozen over and now we can hike either direction as far as we want.  It’s so quiet, can’t hear anything at all over there.  Total peace.  Love it!  

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You know it’s cold out when this little one is in front of the fire.  She’s usually outside cause it’s too hot inside.  It’s been cold, -25 when we woke up is the coldest we’ve seen.  It’s warmed up, woke up to -15 today but it’s supposed go into a deep freeze… brrrrr.

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First Plough

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Our first Plough this year was November 28.  We have under a foot on the ground but it’s nice fluffy snow.  The ski hill is hoping to have a soft opening on the 9th.  We are all working to get things set up on the 8th so the decision will be made to open or wait a week.  Everyone is very optimistic.  

This was taken from my office yesterday.  It snowed almost all day, today is bright and sunny.  

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