My last shift for the season at the bakery was yesterday and now I have 7 months to get caught up on a lot of things… take care of some long over due chores … build a clientele for Back Alley deSign in the area … Work on some art and most importantly have some fun! I really felt working away from home. I work some 6 day weeks during the busy part of the summer and then was at my desk for the 7 th designing the Tongue in Cheek. I didn’t get much of a summer! I wasn’t prepared to be away and Barry became house husband having to do most of the cooking and all of the housework… He was an awesome sport! I will not go back to the bakery full time next year, but the plan for now is to go back part time.
I am hoping to get more happening with Back Alley deSign up here. I have picked up a few design jobs and we are selling the Secret society of Dead Goldminers apparel thru the Frog on the Bog and it is all selling great! She is currently carrying tee shirts, hoodies, bumper stickers and stickers. She wants to add hats next year, maybe do rags so that is another project for me to research over the winter. She wants to add a new item each year. The design is a hit!
I have a long list of things I need to blog about so stay tuned…