We had about a foot of snow fall around a week ago but it warmed up and most of it melted.  It was getting pretty mucky around here!  This morning we woke up to blizzard conditions and it hasn’t stopped all day!  We have about 18″ right now (it’s dark) on the wood shed!  Can’t tell what kind of a truck we have.  Poor Mini gets snow balls so bad she can’t go far in this… too warm.  The photo of her was from the first snowfall of the year.  She came in today with so much on her belly  she couldn’t move!  Poor girl.  I ordered a couple of little Tee-shirts for her, just light cotton to keep the snow off her, hopefully they work.


We will be doing our second plow f the year tomorrow morning.  Fun Fun!!


Second snowfall of the season




Mini's Snow Balls