The day after Barry got home from the Okanagan he weed wacked the whole yard. That night it was obvious he had done a good job because there were many… Many… Many bugs without homes flying around. That night I went to sleep listening to Barry zapping bugs, sounds like a lot of them. In the morning I got up for work, went into the bathroom and there were a lot of no-see-ums so I grabbed the zapper and spent about 20 minutes but I got them all. Went out into the living room and noticed there were millions of them on the living room window. They like it along the bottom and there was a solid black strip of them about an inch deep along the bottom… I didn’t know what to do then I heard Barry from the bedroom “vacuum them up”… Great idea! Grabbed the vacuum and got all them and the kitchen had thousands of them. Went back into the bathroom to have a shower and there were more then there were earlier!!! Holy! What the??? Grabbed the vacuum and got them all sorted out … Again! By this time I’m almost late for work so off I go. About an hour later Barry comes into my office with a dumbfounded look on his face…. “I can’t figure out where they are coming from”. Off he goes again. Another half hour or so passes and he’s back but this time he has a look of defeat on his face. “I just can’t win the battle, they are getting in faster than I can kill then and I don’t know where they are coming from!”. Off he goes again. Third time he showed up he had some glimmer of hope… “I think they are coming in the bathroom fan!” He put a bag over the exit on the side of the house and it filled up with the little buggers so he opened it up and shot hornet killer down it while it was running so it would carry all thru. It worked! We left the fan running for the rest of the day then covered the outside exit, we will uncover it after bug season is over.

So in the end we are both completely covered in bites…. And I mean covered! They ate us while we slept that night and while we were trying to control them they had another feast. This was about a week ago and I’m still scratching… It’s driving me mad! We found some even finer screen then we already have at the fabric store and Barry spent yesterday recovering all the windows. Regular screen will keep out the Mosquitos and flys, we had what the other stores call no-see-um screen but it doesn’t work. Wings with teeth they are referred to by the locals. The worst part about them is they don’t just bite you once like a mosquito, these little guys bite you over and over and over and over…….nasty!

Aside from this infestation we are relatively bug free this year with all the clearing that Barry has done. I leave my office door wide open most days and burn a coil at the doorway, keeps everything but the flys out.