I was in my office at about 9 this morning, I could hear Mini on the deck barking like she does when her bark suddenly got frantic and I could hear another dog screaming… I jumped up to the window and could see her barking up towards the well and no Lily in sight. I threw my boots on and went outside… The screaming was even louder, it was more then one dog. I ran to the house yelling for Lily and telling Mini to get inside… Lily met me at the door and so did Barry. Phew… Lily was safe. The screaming had stopped and Barry had the music going in the house so he didn’t hear it. We left the dogs inside and went looking down the driveway. We saw some fresh coyote tracks but nothing out of the ordinary. Back to work… Dogs on lockdown. A few hours later Barry came in to say they were screaming again… Ok, phew, I’m not hearing things! It was for sure coming from up the property and toward the studio. Back to work, dogs still on lock down. A few hours later Barry comes running into my office and said… You gotta come hear this! Coming from the opposite direction is the sound of 2 moose calling each other… One would call and the other would answer… It sounded like it was coming from the picnic table about a kilometre down the highway. As soon as I got my iPod ready to record it, they stopped. A little while later I could hear them from inside my office. They had moved closer, we think they were traveling up Lightening creek across the highway from us. One was closer than the other. Every Time I clicked the record button, they would stop… Like they knew! Did not get a recording of them… Crap! It was a very eerie sound and even more so after hearing the “dogs” screaming earlier. (It was likely coyotes, not wolves).

Crazy day… Oh and it was 12 ABOVE today! Yay!

Stay tuned…